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- History of changes
- ==================
- 3.8.3
- - Minor printing bugs fixed
- - Fixed sorting by total in the transaction reports
- - Fixed date import issue in OFX parser
- - Fixed missing account name when transaction belongs to closed account
- - Fixed incorrect computation of adjusted budget limit for parent categories
- - Fixed initialization of decimal separator for the numeric pad
- - Fixed download of currency exchange rates for only selected currencies
- - Fixed length limit of category and subcategory fields in the split dialog
- - Added Finnish language
- - Added support of Iranian Rial (IRR)
- - Added support of Serbian Dinar (CSD)
- 3.8.2
- - Fixed OFX import error for comma separated amount fractions
- - Added startup check for .mmw file extension ownership
- - Added support for New Romanian Leu (RON)
- - Fixed sorting in transaction reports
- 3.8.1
- - Added Norwegian language
- - Added Albanian language
- - Fixed a problem in quote download of 4 digit values
- - Fixed missing Edit Payee menu item in context menu for split transactions
- - Fixed category report layout problem
- - Fixed minor portfolio related presentation problems
- - Fixed minor exchange rates dialog problem
- 3.8
- - Improved print preview window
- - Improved report generator
- - Added Persian language
- - Added Netherlands version of Dutch language
- - Fixed error in hiding reconciled transfers from split
- - Decimal separator key at the numeric keypad types the configured character
- - Added apostrophe as a valid thousand separator
- - Improved behavior of bill reminder if data file was not selected
- - Fixed QIF parsing error adding a 0.0 transaction to any import
- 3.7.3
- - Added Spanish help file
- - Added Galician help file
- - Fixed a bug in OFX import causing AceMoney to crash
- - Added a possibility to update of bill amount and account when
- the user records a bill payment and changes one of them
- 3.7.2
- - Fixed an error calendar showing wrong due dates at the end of December
- - Accounts printout now includes value of investements
- - Added support for New Turkish Lira (TRY)
- - Added support for Azerbaijan Manat (AZM)
- - Fixed a rounding error in the Exchange Rates dialog
- - Fixed a problem in OFC files processor
- - Improved import of check numbers in the OFX files
- - Improved behavior of Merge Categories dialog
- - Improved budget reports for partial budget periods
- - Improved precision of budget limit calculations
- - Added half month budget limit
- 3.7.1
- - Added initial balance field into the Savings Calculator dialog
- - The values of the Savings Calculator are now persistent
- - Improved selection logic in the list of transactions
- - Fixed changing status of transfers from splits
- - Fixed hiding reconciled transfers from splits
- - Fixed change of password
- - Minor bug fixes
- 3.7
- - Added transfers from splits
- - Added budget periods per category
- - Removed old budget dialog
- - Added new currency - Armenian Dram (AMD)
- - Increased number of decimals in investment price history
- - Increased number of decimals in the percent part of pie diagrams
- - Fixed a bug of saving the state of showing the account numbers
- - Changed Add bill/deposit from Alt+A to Alt+L
- - Added change of focus to the category combo when user presses Add
- (or Alt+A) in the Split dialog
- - Fixed a split/category related bug in Payee report generator
- - Improved password encoding in the data file
- - Added keyboard shortcuts for navigation: Alt+Left Arrow for Back,
- Alt+Right Arrow for Forward and Alt+Home for Home.
- - Improved parsing of PayPal email notifications
- - Minor bugs fixes
- 3.6.2
- - Improved behavior of transaction list
- - Fixed Enter a bill feature, when a bill is entered from the account screen
- - Fixed sorting problem causing transactions to jump within the same date
- - Added possibility to export schedule to HTML, TXT and CSV formats
- 3.6.1
- - Fixed a font selection problem appearing in Win95/98/Me
- - Removed a limit of 80 accounts shown in the Accounts menu
- - Fixed a bug of displaying the bills with specified number
- of payments in the account form
- - Minor investment management fixes
- 3.6
- - Added list of favorite reports at the Reports screen
- - Added hicolor toolbar buttons
- - Added a flag to disable category analysis in the status bar
- - Added an option to display future bills for a specified period of time ahead
- - Refactored Options dialog
- - All date, amount and currency related settings are moved
- to International Settings dialog
- - Fixed tab order at the Accounts screen
- - Fixed bug in calculation of sum feature
- - Fixed multilanguage problems at the Account and Reports screens
- - Fixed numerous drawing problems at the Account and Reports screens
- - Improved export to CSV format
- - Improved font selection
- 3.5.8
- - Added calculation of sum total of selected transactions
- - Added Imported state of transaction
- - Fixed RegNow ecommerce order parser
- - Improved QIF/OFX import logic
- - Minor bug fixes
- 3.5.7
- - Fixed incorrect handling of half reconciled transfers
- - Closed accounts now are displayed in grey color
- - Added Hebrew language
- 3.5.6
- - Added possibility to reconcile transfers on each individual account
- - Added a parser of RegNow affiliate sales notifications
- - Added UK specific sample file
- - Minor bug fixes
- 3.5.5
- - Added possibility to change a category in one or more transactions
- - Added possibility to change a payee in one or more transactions
- - Added persistence of values last entered in Mortgage and Loan calculators
- - Added import of OFC files into AceMoney using File->Import menu
- - Added Czech language
- - Fixed a problem of reporting transfers by categories
- - Fixed a problem of searching text in split comments
- 3.5.4
- - Added Symbol Lookup button to the Stock properties dialog
- - Fixed a problem of the last payment in Savings Calculator
- - Renamed Net Worth report to Cash Flow report
- - Improved handling of transfers by Transactions report
- - Improved handling of negative amounts in split transfers
- - Fixed behavior of custom dates range
- 3.5.3
- - Significantly increased speed of report generation
- - Added Savings calculator
- - Added Uzbekistan Sum (UZS) currency
- - Added an option to exclude cost of shares from account balance
- 3.5.2
- - Transaction Categories (entered in the Number field)
- now are saved in the data file
- - Improved handling of not downloadable currency exchange rates
- - Bill Reminder uses the same date and amount format settings
- as AceMoney
- - Fixed a problem of launching AceMoney from Bill Reminder
- - Added XP Look and Feel to Bill Reminder
- 3.5.1
- - Added runtime synchronization between AceMoney
- and AceMoney Bill Reminder when a user saves a file
- - Fixed Transaction dialog bug
- - Improved handling of Split items
- - Updated several languages
- 3.5
- - Added a button to create new transaction in the Balance dialog
- - Added a button to create new account in the QIF import dialog
- - Added minus sign to the scheduled withdrawals
- - Added recognition of RegSoft e-commerce V2V transfers
- - Added sorting of split list items
- - Added new QIF export dialog with date range specification
- - Improved date and amount parsing of QIF files
- - Fixed minor calculation error in Mortgage Calculator
- - Fixed minor bugs in transaction search procedure
- - Fixed currency download problem
- 3.4.4
- - Added Loan calculator
- - Added Mortgage calculator
- - Added a menu item to call Windows calculator
- - Added Every four months frequency to the bill properties
- - Added mapping between the language and date/currency settings
- for fresh setup
- - Added a checkbox to disable backup
- 3.4.3
- - Removed limitation of 30 accounts in the Accounts menu
- - Added support of ShareIt e-commerce provider orders
- - Improved Account and Date selection in the Stock Transaction dialog
- - Localized missing error messages for the Stock Transaction dialog
- - Improved performance of balance calculation algorithm
- - Added a configuration wizard for fresh setup
- 3.4.2
- - Added configurable number of decimal digits for some currencies
- - Fixed a problem in status bar category amount
- 3.4.1
- - Added color customization of the future transactions
- - Fixed a bug in sorting of the same day transactions
- 3.4.0
- - Added predefined periods of time to Filter by dates
- - Paste operation now supports exchange with Word/Excel
- - Added used-defined table font and background colors
- - Fixed transfer related bug in the transaction reports
- - Added a new option to show deposits first for the same day transactions
- - Improved logic of multicurrency transfer dialog when the user edits
- a previously entered transaction
- - Added information about multicurrency transfer (rate and target amount)
- into the transaction dialog
- - Added support of parsing and pasting the email orders coming from
- the following e-commerce systems: PayPal, RegNow, RegSoft, SWReg, Plimus
- 3.3.8
- - Added Copy/Paste into the Schedule screen
- - Added Copy/Paste menu items to the context menus
- in the Account and Schedule screens
- - Search now checks out the split comments
- - Added possibility to add a transaction to the schedule
- as a bill/deposit in account context menu
- 3.3.7
- - Added a restore procedure
- - Added ability to copy/paste transactions
- - Fixed a bug of showing the recurrent bills at the calendar screen
- - Improved handling of recurrent bills
- 3.3.6
- - Added an option to exclude transfers from the reports
- - Fixed password protection bug
- 3.3.5
- - Added import of check numbers to OFX parser
- - Added new payee attributes
- - Fixed search criteria problem
- - Fixed stock price downloading routine
- 3.3.4
- - Added Search function
- - Added Budget report by categories
- - Fixed a problem of filtering by category in Budget report
- 3.3.3
- - Enabled date filter in Budget report
- - Fixed calculation of budget periods
- - Fixed calculation of reconciled balances when stock is
- associated with the account
- - Added Welsh language
- 3.3.2
- - Fixed occasional hangups in the Net Worth report
- - Fixed invalid payee recognition in OFX files
- - Added four digits precision for stock transactions
- - Fixed font internationalization problems
- 3.3.1
- - Fixed date related problem which was causing crashes during
- the application startup and in the transaction dialog
- - Fixed translation of word 'Amount' in the Options dialog
- - Several languages were updated
- 3.3
- - Added selection of the startup (home) screen
- - Added ATM and ACH values for transaction number
- - Added Arabic language
- - Added German language
- - Added Bulgarian language
- - Fixed columns in the daily bills dialog
- - Fixed CSV export of comma separated numbers
- - Minor date related fixes
- - Refactored report generator, several problems fixed
- - Enabled filtering by dates in Net Worth report
- - Added context menu item to run Payee report for the selected transaction
- - Added context menu item to run Category report for the selected transaction
- 3.2.9
- - Added option to disable generation of the transaction number
- and to use Debit as default value
- - Added frequency column to the schedule
- - Changed design of the Bill dialog
- - Added potential number of payments to the bill
- - Improved transactions sorting by number
- - Added alphabetical sorting by account type at the accounts screen
- - Added alphabetical sorting by account name in the accounts printout
- - Fixed split transfers reporting in the Transaction report
- - Added import of banks from .dat file
- - Added Catalan language
- 3.2.8
- - Fixed another problem in split transfer reporting
- - Fixed pound/penny stock download conversion for the London Market
- - Minor optimization in different areas
- - Language files now have their own directory
- - Added Spanish version of tutorial
- 3.2.7
- - Improved detection of duplicate transactions for QIF import
- - Improved stock price download routine
- - Fixed reporting of split-transfers
- 3.2.6
- - Changed layout of Portofolio screen for 800x600 screens
- - Fixed deletion of payees in transaction
- - Net worth report now adds initial account balance to total
- - Changed algorithm of stock gain calculation
- - Fixed a problem with hyperlinks when user selects large fonts
- - Added export of portfolio to XML, CSV, TXT and HTML
- - Fixed a problem of reporting negative values in splits
- 3.2.5
- - Added edit category to the transaction context menu
- - Added edit payee to the transaction context menu
- - Added currency of investments
- - Added calculation of total value and total gain for portfolio
- - Value of stocks is now reflected on the account balance
- - Changed dialog font to achieve NT4 compatibility
- - Improved reporting of categorized transfers
- - Updated stock prices download procedure
- - Added Danish language
- - Added English UK language
- - Fixed bill date modification when bill is entered
- from account form
- 3.2.4
- - Fixed sorting by code in report by category/subcategory
- - Added Last 30 days transactions report
- - Added Chinese language
- - Added previously missed languages
- - Fixed language names
- 3.2.3
- - Updated stock download procedure
- - Added new columns to Spendings by payees report
- - Added new columns to Spendings by categories report
- - Added new columns to Spendings by subcategories report
- - Added Bosnian language
- - Added Greek language
- - Added backup automatically option
- 3.2.2
- - Fixed sum of split amounts problem
- - Fixed behavior of the Balance account dialog
- - Added U keyboard shortcut to mark transaction as uncleared
- - Rearranged Options dialog
- - Added date separator configuration
- - Updated stock downloading procedure
- 3.2.1
- - Added number field to QIF export
- - Fixed manual currency update problem
- - Fixed bill/deposit transaction type change
- - Fixed category screen totals calculations
- 3.2
- - Added check for existing transactions during QIF/OFX import
- - Added support of comments in splits
- - Added favorite reports
- - Added sorting in the schedule
- - Fixed problem of reporting totals for splits
- - Fixed problem of multicurrency transfers
- - Fixed duplicate file names problem in the window title
- - Bill is not affected by the entered date anymore
- 3.1.2
- - Fixed sorting problems in category and subcategory reports
- - Added Show file name in the title bar flag
- - Added Show sold stocks flag
- - Added default transaction type selection
- - Added total line in the Net Worth report
- - Changed logic of current totals calculation for different sort modes
- 3.1.1
- - Fixed QIF date parsing problem
- - Fixed scheduled transfer persistence issue
- - Fixed portfolio related localization problems
- - Fixed default currency reset to USD problem
- - Now columns with zero width (hidden) can be saved
- 3.1
- - Added investment transaction list to portfolio
- - Fixed minor problems with OFX parser
- - Fixed minor currency exchange and configuration issues
- - Now all date controls are consistent with the chosen date format
- - Now the font face gets changed at the Accounts and Reports pages
- based on the user list font selection
- - Added Show splash screen options flag
- 3.0.1
- - Fixed investment transaction dialog bug
- - Added new investment action Add shares
- - Added new investment action Remove shares
- - Minor fixes in the transaction report
- 3.0.0 - Major release
- - Added investment management: Portfolio screen, stock purchase transactions
- - Added support for Every four weeks frequency
- - Added New report index page
- - Added Date field into every report printout
- - Added Net Worth report with Bar Chart
- - Added SubCategory report
- - Added user defined category code
- - Added New Bank properties
- - Added list font selection
- - Added Turkish language
- - Added Slovak language
- - Added splash screen
- - Fixed QIF/OFX/QFX parsing problem
- 2.15.1
- - Fixed report generation problems
- - Improved CSV format processor to support comma separated numbers
- 2.15
- - Added user specific amount format options
- - Added auto complete for the Number field in the Transaction dialog
- - The Reports screen looks and behaves better
- - Added calculation of number of transactions per payee
- and category in payee, category and budget reports
- 2.14.3
- - Added Hungarian language
- - Added support for default transaction type: every new transaction
- has a type of the previously entered one
- 2.14.2
- - Fixed distortion of Balance Account check list
- - Added Browse directory button to the Backup dialog
- 2.14.1
- - Textual sorting direction pointers were replaced with graphical ones
- - Several improvements of the Balance Account dialog
- - Fixed several bugs in date related calculations
- - Minor improvement at calendar screen
- 2.14
- - Added Balance Account dialog for reconciliation
- - Overall performance enhancements
- 2.12.4
- - Improved QIF parser for comma separated amounts
- 2.12.3
- - Added tooltip showing multiple balances at the account form
- 2.12.2
- - Added Galician Spanish language
- - Fixed minor bugs in the Lite version
- - Fixed automatic multicurrency bills issues
- 2.12.1
- - Updated Italian language
- - Updated Polish language
- - Updated Portuguese Standard language
- - Minor fixes in the Lite version
- 2.12
- - Added Calendar screen for the schedule
- - Added Automatic mode for the bills
- - Added Lithuanian language
- - Added support for Bulgarian Lev
- 2.11.2
- - Updated Italian version
- - Added batch files to save and restore settings
- - Added Euro icons
- - Fixed resource leaking in Reports
- - Fixed several Windows95/98/Me specific issues
- 2.11.1
- - Now the list of Accounts in the Accounts menu is sorted
- - Fixed a problem of switching forms
- 2.11
- - Added resizable print preview
- - New Ukrainian translation
- - Added Ukrainian categories and account types
- - Fixed the print preview multicurrency totals
- 2.10.6
- - Improved update logic for the forms
- - Updated Swedish translation
- - Added Swedish categories, banks and account types
- 2.10.5
- - Fixed a bug related to deletion of default account
- 2.10.4
- - Fixed a bug in subcategory report generation
- 2.10.3
- - Fixed 'add split transaction' behavior
- 2.10.2
- - Updated Portuguese translation
- - Fixed bug in the transaction deletion procedure
- - Improved pie chart diagram for 800x600 screen resolution
- 2.10.1
- - Updated Polish translation
- - Added advanced currency exchange dialog
- - Fixed unused categories deletion bug
- 2.10
- - Added merging of categories and payees
- - Added setup of background colors
- - Several minor UI adjustments
- - Fixed a problem of adding accounts to the Accounts menu
- - Fixed reports help
- - Improved the data consistency check during the program startup
- 2.9
- - Added support of Polish language
- - Some internal mechanisms were refactored
- - overall performance improvement
- - Internet connection has been reimplemented.
- Now AceMoney supports updates through proxy servers.
- 2.8
- - Added export to XML format
- - Fixed a bug in the 'setup budget limit' procedure
- 2.7.4
- - Fixed a problem with automatic loading of the file with default account
- - Fixed a bug in the 'change transaction status' routine
- - Fixed a bug in editing the six-months bill
- 2.7.3
- - Fixed negative amount in the Bill dialog
- - Fixed loss of focus in the Password dialog
- - Fixed sorting bug of recorded bills
- - Fixed a bug with the first back command
- 2.7.2
- - Fixed bugs related to 'Hide reconciled mode'
- 2.7.1
- - Fixed problem with large amounts
- - Fixed negative deposits in reports problem
- 2.7
- - Added support of OFC format
- - Added alphabetical sorting of accounts on the main screen
- - Fixed a bug of reporting and storing the split transactions
- 2.6
- - Added Ukrainian language support
- - Improved logic for storing width of columns
- - Added 'Every six months' bill option
- - Identified and fixed several minor bugs
- 2.5
- - Fixed insert-key problem
- - Improved next check number feature
- - Updated Dutch translation
- - Fixed show/hide closed accounts feature
- - What's New menu item now opens local file
- - Help subsystem is now HTML based
- - Improved logic of loading the last file
- 2.4
- - Added sample file
- - Added French categories and account types
- - Added Portuguese language
- - Improved addition of new categories
- - Added possibility to record bill payment from the account screen
- - Fixed minor sorting problems for bills and deposits
- - Current month report now shows entered future transactions too
- - Fixed printing problem for subcategories report
- - Fixed a problem with backup to the same directory
- - .bak extension is added to the backup file
- 2.3
- - Added Back and Forward navigation buttons
- - Implemented new 'two steps' reports for categories/subcategories
- - A new name for flag Hide Cleared from now on is Hide Reconciled and
- the program saves it's setting in data file for every account.
- Now it hides only Reconciled transactions
- - Improved automatic selection of last amount
- - Improved automatic selection of subcategories
- 2.2.3
- - Added updated Dutch translation
- - Added updated Swedish translation
- - Minor improvements in Categories
- - Activated F2 - F7 keys for switching between screens
- - Added keyboard shortcuts section to the help subsystem
- - Sorting in Account Registry
- - Sorting in Reports
- - Sorting in Payees
- - Sorting in Categories
- - Sorting in Banks
- 2.2.2
- - Fixed a bug with double total included to pie charts
- - Added new version of Italian
- 2.2.1
- - Improved Categories screen (added separate columns for income
- and expense)
- - Improved Budget reporting
- - Double click in Schedule now means Edit Bill, not record transaction
- - Added Unassigned line calculation for categories and payees reports
- - Improved algorithm of transfering amounts between accounts with
- different currencies
- 2.2
- - Enhanced import support (now AceMoney starts directly from the browser
- when user selects to open QIF/OFX/QFX file)
- - OFX file format support (import of OFX and QFX files)
- - Budget analysis (a whole set of new features)
- - If payee or category was selected in filter and there are no
- transactions for them, zero values will be shown in the report
- (before they were not shown at all)
- - Added preview of future transactions in account registry
- - Missed bills and deposits in schedule are marked with red color
- - Added automatic selection of subcategories if a category is selected
- in Filter by categories dialog
- - Fixed a bug in dates range validation for reports
- - Improved speed of report generation
- - Added French language
- - Autoinsert of last amount for selected payee in new transaction dialog
- - Printing of tables (Account list, Account and Reports)
- - New columns in Banks Form: address, web-site and comment
- - New columns in Payees Form: address, comment
- - Comment column in Schedule Form
- - New look for tables, better background and red negative numbers
- - Pie chart now also shows percentage
- - Total for table reports is calculated
- - Changed default transaction type for bills (now it is withdrawal)
- 2.1.9
- - Improved the sequence of opening last files (no screen flickering)
- - Added export of account balances to TXT and CSV
- - Now user doesn't have to reenter password when
- she changes options for password protected files
- - Category and payee reports now convert results into default currency
- - Fixed a bug in Transaction dialog (empty split - empty category)
- - Fixed a bug with Bills and Deposits referencing to deleted accounts
- - Fixed a bug in Transaction Currency exchange dialog for English language
- 2.1.8
- - Added automatic save operation every time the user changes the document
- - Added a check for Internet connection
- 2.1.7
- - Added export to ascii text format
- - Added total field calculation for graphical reports
- - Fixed a problem with total balance account text
- in low resolutions
- - Fixed a resource leakage in reports (for Win95/98/Me users)
- - If data file is password protected the main window will be
- minimized during password dialog.
- - Fixed a bug in data storing procedure
- 2.1.6
- - Added Export of accounts and reports to HTML format
- - Added .mmw file format registration with AceMoney which
- allowes file open command from Explorer
- - Added import and export of transaction comments
- from/to QIF files (the M field)
- - Fixed deletion of unuses categories that didn't check
- splitted transactions
- 2.1.5
- - Added several new currencies
- - Added "one click" currency exchange rates download from the main page
- - Added automatic backup function
- - Fixed multiple currencies issues in reporting
- - Fixed several font related NT 4 specific problems
- - Fixed multiline input problem for Banks
- - Fixed Closed accounts flag error
- 2.1.4
- - Exchange rates automatic update from the Net
- - QIF parser is now default date format sensitive
- - Minor changes in User Interface
- - New installation package
- - Added Spanish language
- - Added Swedish language
- - New version of Italian translation
- 2.1.3
- - Fixed several Windows 95/98/NT compatibility issues
- - Fixed a problem with missing DLLs in certain environments
- - Fixed several minor bugs in pie chart reports
- 2.1.2
- - Filtering of cleared transactions
- - Little changes in design of AccountList and Account forms
- - Fixed a problem with entering bills without account
- - File whatsnew.txt from now on is a part of installation
- 2.1.1
- - Added bill type that comes every other month
- - Added export to CSV (for Excel) of account registry and reports
- - Fixed a problem with persistence of currencies
- 2.1
- - Multicurrency accounting
- - Minor bugs fixed
- - Italian language
- 2.0.5
- - Fixed a bug in report generation for splits
- - Tooltips now appear on the report pie
- 2.0.4
- - New design of Accounts screen
- - Added graphic reports
- - Support of transactions with debit flag
- - Fixed a problem with automatic generation of check numbers
- 2.0.3
- - Added export to QIF format
- - Added multilanguage tutorial
- - Added status display with current month category spending
- - Transaction comment now can be displayed in account registry
- 2.0.2
- - Added change of title when switching between accounts
- - Added much better localization support
- - Added possibility to add new bill that will arrive only once
- - The program remembers the width of columns
- 2.0.1
- - Added start page selection
- - Now the program remembers the category for payee
- 2.0 - Real world release
- Version 1.0 was redesigned and released as new application
- with a lot of new features
- 1.0 - Initial internal release
- - No history for version 1.0